Technotools (Chestnut CD-ROM)(1993).ISO
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Text File
240 lines
;*** ***
;*** BRIEF - Basic Reconfigurable Interactive Editing Facility ***
;*** --------------------------------------------------------- ***
;*** ***
;*** This macro opens a window with a hex ***
;*** to Ascii translation table. ***
;*** ***
;*** Roberto T. Edwards ***
;*** 800 Victory Boulevard ***
;*** Staten Island, N.Y. 10301 ***
;*** ***
;*** Date: Tuesday, 27 May 1986. Time: 08:11:00. ***
;*** ***
(macro ascii_table
(int asc_tabl_buf ;*** use this buffer for the table
edit_buffer ;*** this was in use before the table was put up
page_num ;*** active ascii table page
key ;*** last keystroke
done ;*** flag 1 => exit 0 => get another keystroke
(string macro_cmd)
(global page_num)
(= done 0) ; set to 1 to exit from the macro
;*** create a new buffer for the ascii table
(= asc_tabl_buf (create_buffer "Ascii Table" "$asc$.tmp" 1))
;*** save the buffer that was current when we started
(= edit_buffer (inq_buffer))
;*** make our buffer the current one
(set_buffer asc_tabl_buf)
;*** open a window for the ascii table
(create_window 1 22 54 1 "PgUp-Prev PgDn-Nxt Home-Fst End-Lst Esc-Exit")
;*** attach the buffer to the window
(attach_buffer asc_tabl_buf)
(if (first_time)
(= page_num 1) ;*** make sure we display a valid page
(sprintf macro_cmd "page_%d" page_num)
(execute_macro macro_cmd)
(while (! done )
(while (== (= key (read_char)) -1)) ;*** wait for a keystroke
(if (== (& key 0xff) 0) ;*** was it a special key?
;*** Brief doesn't really have an if-then-else construct
;*** so the only way to do it is the following. It works,
;*** but I sure have to use a lot of parentheses and
;*** nesting! If there's another way, I'd love to hear
;*** about it.
(= key (/ key 256))
(if (== key 81) ;*** PgDn
(if (< page_num 5)
(+= page_num 1)
; else
(if (== key 73) ;*** PgUp
(if (> page_num 1)
(-= page_num 1)
; else
(if (== key 71) ;*** Home
(= page_num 1)
; else
(if (== key 79) ;*** End
(= page_num 5)
(sprintf macro_cmd "page_%d" page_num)
(execute_macro macro_cmd)
;*** We get here if key != 0
;*** else check if the escape key was hit
(if (== key 283) ;*** if so, exit
(= done 1)
);*** end while
(delete_window) ;*** close the window we've been using
(delete_buffer asc_tabl_buf) ;*** delete the buffer
(set_buffer edit_buffer) ;*** make the last buffer current
;*** All done!
(macro page_1
(move_abs 1 1)
(insert " Dec Hex Chr Dec Hex Chr Dec Hex Chr\n")
(insert " === === === === === === === === ===\n")
(insert " 000 00H NUL 018 12H DC2 036 24H $ \n")
(insert " 001 01H SOH 019 13H DC3 037 25H % \n")
(insert " 002 02H STX 020 14H DC4 038 26H & \n")
(insert " 003 03H ETX 021 15H NAK 039 27H ' \n")
(insert " 004 04H EOT 022 16H SYN 040 28H ( \n")
(insert " 005 05H ENQ 023 17H ETB 041 29H ) \n")
(insert " 006 06H ACK 024 18H CAN 042 2AH * \n")
(insert " 007 07H BEL 025 19H EM 043 2BH + \n")
(insert " 008 08H BS \ 026 1AH SUB 044 2CH \, \n")
(insert " 009 09H HT 027 1BH ESC \ 045 2DH - \n")
(insert " 010 0AH LF 028 1CH FS \ 046 2EH . \n")
(insert " 011 0BH VT 029 1DH GS 047 2FH / \n")
(insert " 012 0CH FF 030 1EH RS 048 30H 0 \n")
(insert " 013 0DH CR 031 1FH US 049 31H 1 \n")
(insert " 014 0EH SO 032 20H SP 050 32H 2 \n")
(insert " 015 0FH SI 033 21H ! 051 33H 3 \n")
(insert " 016 10H DLE 034 22H \" 052 34H 4 \n")
(insert " 017 11H DC1 035 23H # 053 35H 5 ")
(macro page_2
(move_abs 1 1)
(insert " Dec Hex Chr Dec Hex Chr Dec Hex Chr\n")
(insert " === === === === === === === === ===\n")
(insert " 054 36H 6 072 48H H 090 5AH Z \n")
(insert " 055 37H 7 073 49H I 091 5BH [ \n")
(insert " 056 38H 8 074 4AH J 092 5CH \\ \n")
(insert " 057 39H 9 075 4BH K 093 5DH ] \n")
(insert " 058 3AH : 076 4CH L 094 5EH ^ \n")
(insert " 059 3BH \; 077 4DH M 095 5FH _ \n")
(insert " 060 3CH < 078 4EH N 096 60H ` \n")
(insert " 061 3DH = 079 4FH O 097 61H a \n")
(insert " 062 3EH > 080 50H P 098 62H b \n")
(insert " 063 3FH ? 081 51H Q 099 63H c \n")
(insert " 064 40H @ 082 52H R 100 64H d \n")
(insert " 065 41H A 083 53H S 101 65H e \n")
(insert " 066 42H B 084 54H T 102 66H f \n")
(insert " 067 43H C 085 55H U 103 67H g \n")
(insert " 068 44H D 086 56H V 104 68H h \n")
(insert " 069 45H E 087 57H W 105 69H i \n")
(insert " 070 46H F 088 58H X 106 6AH j \n")
(insert " 071 47H G 089 59H Y 107 6BH k ")
(macro page_3
(move_abs 1 1)
(insert " Dec Hex Chr Dec Hex Chr Dec Hex Chr\n")
(insert " === === === === === === === === ===\n")
(insert " 108 6CH l 126 7EH ~ 144 90H É \n")
(insert " 109 6DH m 127 7FH 145 91H æ \n")
(insert " 110 6EH n 128 80H Ç 146 92H Æ \n")
(insert " 111 6FH o 129 81H ü 147 93H ô \n")
(insert " 112 70H p 120 82H é 148 94H ö \n")
(insert " 113 71H q 131 83H â 149 95H ò \n")
(insert " 114 72H r 132 84H ä 150 96H û \n")
(insert " 115 73H s 133 85H à 151 97H ù \n")
(insert " 116 74H t 134 86H å 152 98H ÿ \n")
(insert " 117 75H u 135 87H ç 153 99H Ö \n")
(insert " 118 76H v 136 88H ê 154 9AH Ü \n")
(insert " 119 77H w 137 89H ë 155 9BH ¢ \n")
(insert " 120 78H x 138 8AH è 156 9CH £ \n")
(insert " 121 79H y 139 8BH ï 157 9DH ¥ \n")
(insert " 122 7AH z 140 8CH î 158 9EH ₧ \n")
(insert " 123 7BH { 141 8DH ì 159 9FH ƒ \n")
(insert " 124 7CH | 142 8EH Ä 160 A0H á \n")
(insert " 125 7DH } 143 8FH Å 161 A1H í ")
(macro page_4
(move_abs 1 1)
(insert " Dec Hex Chr Dec Hex Chr Dec Hex Chr\n")
(insert " === === === === === === === === ===\n")
(insert " 162 A2H ó 180 B4H ┤ 198 C6H ╞ \n")
(insert " 163 A3H ú 181 B5H ╡ 199 C7H ╟ \n")
(insert " 164 A4H ñ 182 B6H ╢ 200 C8H ╚ \n")
(insert " 165 A5H Ñ 183 B7H ╖ 201 C9H ╔ \n")
(insert " 166 A6H ª 184 B8H ╕ 202 CAH ╩ \n")
(insert " 167 A7H º 185 B9H ╣ 203 CBH ╦ \n")
(insert " 168 A8H ¿ 186 BAH ║ 204 CCH ╠ \n")
(insert " 169 A9H ⌐ 187 BBH ╗ 205 CDH ═ \n")
(insert " 170 AAH ¬ 188 BCH ╝ 206 CEH ╬ \n")
(insert " 171 ABH ½ 189 BDH ╜ 207 CFH ╧ \n")
(insert " 172 ACH ¼ 190 BEH ╛ 208 D0H ╨ \n")
(insert " 173 ADH ¡ 191 BFH ┐ 209 D1H ╤ \n")
(insert " 174 AEH « 192 C0H └ 210 D2H ╥ \n")
(insert " 175 AFH » 193 C1H ┴ 211 D3H ╙ \n")
(insert " 176 B0H ░ 194 C2H ┬ 212 D4H ╘ \n")
(insert " 177 B1H ▒ 195 C3H ├ 213 D5H ╒ \n")
(insert " 178 B2H ▓ 196 C4H ─ 214 D6H ╓ \n")
(insert " 179 B3H │ 197 C5H ┼ 215 D7H ╫ ")
(macro page_5
(move_abs 1 1)
(insert " Dec Hex Chr Dec Hex Chr Dec Hex Chr\n")
(insert " === === === === === === === === ===\n")
(insert " 216 D8H ╪ 234 EAH Ω 252 FCH ⁿ \n")
(insert " 217 D9H ┘ 235 EBH δ 253 FDH ² \n")
(insert " 218 DAH ┌ 236 ECH ∞ 254 FEH ■ \n")
(insert " 219 DBH █ 237 EDH φ 255 FFH \n")
(insert " 220 DCH ▄ 238 EEH ε \n")
(insert " 221 DDH ▐ 239 EFH ∩ \n")
(insert " 222 DEH ▐ 240 F0H ≡ \n")
(insert " 223 DFH ▀ 241 F1H ± \n")
(insert " 224 E0H α 242 F2H ≥ \n")
(insert " 225 E1H ß 243 F3H ≤ \n")
(insert " 226 E2H Γ 244 F4H ⌠ \n")
(insert " 227 E3H π 245 F5H ⌡ \n")
(insert " 228 E4H Σ 246 F6H ÷ \n")
(insert " 229 E5H σ 247 F7H ≈ \n")
(insert " 230 E6H µ 248 F8H ° \n")
(insert " 231 E7H τ 249 F9H ∙ \n")
(insert " 232 E8H Φ 250 FAH · \n")
(insert " 233 E9H Θ 251 FBH √ ")